WHO ATE ALL THE BUGS? is my tenth book and the start of a trilogy of picturebooks exploring ecosystems and the creatures within them. It combines non-fiction and activity elements with the story of a snail who sets out to find who is responsible for, you guessed it, eating all the bugs. Expect bugs getting squished, squashed, munched and mushed. It's a book filled with humour, a bit of horror, but a lot heart and soul too. At least, I think so. But if none of that appeals to you: It also has a worm that talks nothing but nonsense. I hope you'll check it out!
WHO ATE ALL THE BUGS? published on 2nd February 2023. It is available from all UK bookshops as well as online using this (affiliate) link.

Before starting the artwork for WHO ATE ALL THE BUGS? I created my own design reference for much of the flora and fauna in the book. This was so I would have a working understanding of the environment I was depicting and how I'd go about drawing each element. This saved a lot of time figuring things as I went.